As Chief Research Officer, Richard leads the Research Team at The Audience Agency and delivers strategic sector-wide projects for organisations and agencies. Richard has 25 years experience of market research in an audience, visitor and customer context. Using a range of methodological approaches, Richard delivers impactful research that supports cultural organisations to place audiences at the centre of their decision-making and strategies. Richard specialises in audience segmentation, action research and innovative approaches such as visitor journey mapping and user-centred design. He led the team that produced Audience Spectrum, the unique cultural profiling and segmentation of the cultural attitudes and behaviour of the UK public.

Richard has 25 years experience of market research in an audience, visitor and customer context, both on the client side for organisations such as The Barbican Centre, as a freelance researcher within the tourism and cultural sectors, and within a customer-focused commercial research agency.

He holds a BS Hons Psychology from Manchester Metropolitan University. Richard is a keen cyclist and enjoys tinkering around with old boats and attempting to make furniture.

Areas of expertise

  • Research strategy
  • Mixed method approaches
  • Data-driven research tools