Dancers on a stage, including one wheelchair user and some with ear-protection

Image credit: Critical Mass, Birmingham 2022


Learnings and Evaluation for Critical Mass

The Audience Agency delivered a mixed methodology evaluation of the inclusive dance project Critical Mass, involving all stakeholders and participants. Download the evaluation report in various formats.

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Critical Mass Playbook

Download our Critical Mass playbook with practical hints and tips on project design and set-up, delivery and close-down:

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The Project

Critical Mass was an inclusive dance project that engaged 242 young people (aged 16-30) in 600+ classes, rehearsals and performances over a 14-month period in the lead up to the Games.  

Participants formed an integrated mass cast with 45% self-identifying as disabled, neurodivergent or living with a long-term health condition.​ Together they danced their way through key moments of Birmingham 2022 Festival and were a central part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony. 

The project sought to redefine meaningful inclusion for mega events with outcomes related to wellbeing, belonging and connectedness; to challenge perceptions of disability and impairment; and to support integrated and inclusive dance in the West Midlands sustainably. 

The evaluation of this flagship participatory programme for Birmingham 2022, was required to represent the outcomes and learnings of all partners and parties in its complex and interlinking project structure as well as the impacts for its participants.  It was also charged with helping those involved to adapt and change as the project progressed.  

The project was a unique collaboration between Birmingham 2022 Festival, FABRIC, Arts Connect and the Dance Development Leaders Group. It was generously supported by Spirit of 2012 the London 2012 legacy funder. 

Our Solution

The Critical Mass evaluation was one of several overall evaluations of the Birmingham 2022 Festival. As such, our work aligned methods with others as well as the requirements of the funder Spriit of 2012 (including use of the ONS subjective measures of wellbeing questions) and helped build the existing methods developed for the project that were established in advance of our commission.  

It was necessary to ensure that the evaluation was accessible and representative, as well as ensuring the anonymity of participants.  Methods of data collection were adapted and delivered to suit the participant groups and stakeholders involved.  TAA also followed the principles of ‘Inclusive Design’ to ensure that the findings represented a diversity of responses, and not just the majority.  

Evaluation tools included participants surveys, stakeholder reflection groups (using a ‘Most significant change’ method), process evaluation using Padlet (digital scrapbooks for the process evaluation) and ‘Artist Takes’ creative documentation.  Staff, volunteer and audience surveys were supplied by the Birmingham 2022 Festival evaluators.  

The layered nature of the evaluation is illustrated by the break down of the reflective groups, which included producers, dance leaders, support workers, participants and lead artist and inclusion champion.

Project Impact

The final evaluation showed that Critical Mass was successful in its ambition to interrogate inclusive practice and made it stronger for the region. It examined the project delivery against ‘learning themes’ to critically reflect on practices of the project team in relation to Outcome 4: “Integrated inclusive dance practice in the West Midlands will be embedded and sustainable, and West Midlands dance organisations and practitioners acknowledged as sector leaders.”   

It also highlighted the diversity of dance practice across the region and demonstrated how it could be more effectively connected up and how long-term impact can be achieved by gathering learning in order to impact future large-scale projects.  

The Critical Mass Playbook presents an amalgamation of these project learnings and is a useful guide for anyone taking on an inclusive project of this nature. It contains practical hints and tips across areas of project design and set-up, delivery and close-down. 

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